(eɪt ˈɡʊruː / 8.Guru)

servant of Jesus Christ of Nazareth


Art by 8GURU.

Superchain (2018-)


Superchain is a 'blockchain' (Bloc Chain) for Culture. Introducing a new conceptual medium called the "Bloc", Superchain adds exactly one work of art a day to its progressively immutable tapestry. The creative vision is to re-introduce the subject (and object) of Eternity and the Infinite to art by permanently committing each new work to the record.

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First Apology Against The Pagans (2019-2021)


The First Apology is the launch collection of 999 works on Superchain; the fruits of almost 3 years of daily commitments.

I plan to elaborate on the creative process, purpose, and history of these works in a series of articles here. For now, the link above goes to my original artist's statement on Superchain after the final work in the collection, "Revelation X:XX" (喜999), was completed. This provides an overview of the theological, cryptographic, semiotic, and numerological themes in the collection.

How Do You Put A Human On A Blockchain? (2021)


The second of two fasts of forty days and forty nights during the First Apology. Captured on-camera and on-blockchain forever at Superchain 喜928. This prospectus was written before the fast and details the motivation and process of the work. Also available is a technical discussion supplement.

Read Prospectus / Technical Supplement